Autumn Term Newsletter is published!
Welcome to our first newsletter of the academic year.
In our newsletter, you will find out about some of the amazing learning and work that has been taking place this half term.
We can’t believe we have reach the half term already and so much has happened here at Malorees.
Over the course of the half term we have held many exciting events including:
A Reading Day,
British Values Day,
Black History Month,
Bake and Beauty Sales,
Curriculum Meetings,
EYFS Picnic and the start up of our extended day clubs.
We really have started the term off with a
A huge thank you to all parents that could attend the curriculum mornings and afternoons.
It was lovely to be able to welcome you all and share with you the expectations for learning this year.
We've had some really lovely feedback and it’s been great to hear how much you value the quality of teaching and learning at Malorees.
The school has really enjoyed working in partnership with you all and we want to continue this moving forward.
New curriculum maps have been uploaded on the school website and there will be planned curriculum meetings scheduled in for Autumn 2, so please look out for upcoming information.
I am pleased that we have had no positive children cases of COVID-19 over the half term. Parents have been very supportive in testing their children and as result, our percentage rate for improving our whole school attendance has consistently been above 95%.
Please continue to support your children at home with their reading! It is recommended that children read for short periods of time, every day. We encourage the children to write short reviews about the books they read, expressing their likes and dislikes. Our teachers love to receive book reviews!
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