Keeping children safe is everyone's responsibility.
Malorees Infant & Junior Schools are committed to safeguarding all children. Our school policy and regulations on this vital work are here: Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2024-25 and Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024.
You can contact our Safeguarding Team at school on 0208 459 3038 or by email at Outside school hours or in the school holidays, please use the same email address.
Our Safeguarding Team
Safeguarding Newsletter
safeguarding newsletter 14 2 25.pdf
Previous Newsletters:
Safeguarding Newsletter 16 December 2024 (Safety settings for new devices, dental care)
Safeguarding Newsletter 18 October 2024 (Online safety and Early Help)
Practical help with food, money and housing
Food help for your family - If your family doesn't have enough food to eat today, we can help you get urgent help. Speak to one of our Safeguarding Team, and we can help you to get a foodbank voucher, which you can take to our partners at SUFRA or Brent Foodbank.
There is more information about this help here, or contact one of the Brent Hubs (see below).
Brent Food Aid Network - Local food banks and community kitchens have come together as BFAN to reduce food poverty in the London Borough of Brent. Their Food Aid Directory shows you where you can access local food aid any day of the week. You will need a foodbank voucher code, which you can get from one of the Brent Hubs on 0208 937 6792 or a Family Wellbeing Centre (see Early Help below), or speak to one of our Safeguarding Team. You can also contact the national Help Through Hardship line: 0808 208 2138 (freephone 9am–5pm).
Cash first - BFAN have also produced this helpful leaflet to direct you to local advice on a range of money worries.
Brent Hubs - These free drop-in advice services help people to help themselves with issues such as benefits, housing, money and debt advice, food aid vouchers and more. Our nearest Brent Hubs are at Willesden Green Library (Mondays & Tuesdays) and Harlesden Library (Mondays and Wednesdays). Find out more on the Brent Hubs website here or call 0208 937 6792.
Housing Assistance - Brent Council offer help and advice to families at risk of homelessness, either on their website here or in person at Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley HA9 0FJ. You can also phone their Homeless Team on 020 8937 2000 (Option 2).
Early Help
Might your family, or another family you know, benefit from support and advice on health, parenting or family learning? Brent Council’s Early Help Service provides a range of assistance for families with children aged 0 to 18 years old (up to 25 if the young person has a disability or additional needs).
They run Family Wellbeing Centres right across the borough, including Three Trees on Tiverton Road, next to Queens Park Community School, just round the corner from Malorees. You can call round any time from Monday-Friday between 9am and 5pm, or phone 020 8937 3892 for more information; and to find out more about Early Help in Brent, just click this link or call 0208 937 3010.
Advice for families
Place2Be - This leading children's mental health charity have launched Parenting Smart, an online library of over 50 short videos and articles on everything from helping your child with anxiety to family rules to healthy sleep. You can find their expert advice here.
Family Lives - This national charity has lots of advice for families on all aspects of family life. You can find their advice pages here, and they also have a confidential helpline on 0808 800 2222.
Parent Talk - This is an advice website run by the charity Action For Children, offering 'down-to-earth practical advice you can trust', as well as live chat with qualified parenting coaches - all for free.
NSPCC - One of the UK's most respected charities has a wealth of experience and advice for families on their website, or you can call their child protection specialists on 0808 800 5000.
Childline - Children can always get reliable advice and support on any issues that are worrying them on the Childline website or by phoning 0800 1111.
Domestic abuse
There are families that are living with domestic abuse, which can include physical, sexual, emotional and economic abuse and coercive control. Most victims of domestic abuse are women, but men can be targeted as well, and domestic abuse also hurts children, whether directly or indirectly.
Nobody has to suffer domestic abuse alone. If you, or someone you know is affected by domestic abuse, there are many agencies who can help, such as:
Police: You can report a domestic abuse incident by calling the Police on 999 (if someone is at immediate risk of harm) or on 101. The Metropolitan Police also have advice and links to other organisations who can help on this webpage.
Local help: Brent Council have links to locally based charities and advice services working right across our community. You can reach them through this link.
National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0800 2000 247 is the number for this free 24 hour service run by experts from Refuge, who can help and support you. They also have an excellent website here.
NCDV - The National Centre for Domestic Violence offer a fast, free injunction service for victims of domestic violence. You can either contact them online via their website or by phoning 0800 970 2070.
Online safety
You can find links to our most trusted online safety partners in our dedicated Online Safety webpage here.