Malorees School

Parent Governors

What is a parent governor?

When we talk about parent governors, we are referring to the fact that two of the positions on the Malorees Governing and Associate Members Board are reserved for parents. You can see this in our Instrument of Governance.   

These positions are appointed by an election.  All parents and carers of children attending Malorees at the time of the election can vote.

Please note that other governors or Associate Members on the board may happen to be parents of children at Malorees.  These parents may have been appointed by the rest of the governing board because of their skills and experience.  Although they are governors who are parents, they are not elected as parent governors…. we realise it is a little bit confusing!

What is the role of a parent governor?

A parent governor is a ‘full’ governor, meaning the governor is appointed for a four-year term, attends both the full governing board meeting and one sub-committee and has full voting rights.  A parent governor is no different to any other governor, in terms of how they carry out their role and the obligations they have. 

A parent governor provides a parental perspective but is NOT there to speak ‘on behalf of’ parents or bring individual complaints to the school or the governing board. 

Instead, a parent governor can provide valuable insights into how decisions by the governing board may impact the school, from the perspective of a parent.  

Who are the current parent governors?

The current parent governor is Faryal Awan.

When will the next opportunity be to stand for election?

The next vacancy for a parent governor will be in September 2024. 

We will be writing to parents nearer the time with details of how the election will work.

Before then, if you are interested in finding out more about becoming a governor, please get in touch with the co-Chairs via the school office (  The Co-Chairs can tell you more about the role and, if you are interested, arrange for you to attend a governors’ meeting as an observer.